Commission and Disclaimers

Realty Hero, Inc- Buyer’s Agent Fee

Buyer’s agent fee is subject to change. Buyer’s agent commission is stated on listing agreement; and/or on the multiple listing service (MLS, also multiple listing system or multiple listings service) is a suite of services that real estate brokers use to establish contractual offers of compensation (among brokers).

Realty Hero, Inc Listing Fee

Listing commission fee is 1.75% of Sale Price and is subject to change. Buyer’s agent commission not included in listing fee. Seller(s) will choose the Buyers commission on the day of signing the listing agreement, and will be stated on the listing agreement. Listing commission may be increased if buyer is unrepresented; and amount will be stated on the listing agreement.

Realty Hero, Inc Listing Fee and Buyers Fee.

Processing Fee/Commission fee is $595.00 for all transactions and will be stated in the listing agreement and/or on sales and purchase contracts.


Short Sale Listings

1.75% Commissions -Do not apply for Short Sale Listings – All commissions are per lender/Investor approval, and will be split 50% if Buyer is represented.